American Heart Association - Posters

In addition to the online courses I designed and developed in Flash while working as a multi-media designer at American Heart Association,  it also afforded me the opportunity to design internal marketing posters for the "Heart University" courses.

Here are are a few samples from that print work which was placed throughout the halls of the American Heart Association.

Contracts 1

For a series of legal courses I designed,  the posters rifted off the idea of the "angel on your shoulder" idea.

The idea being that our legal team should do the right thing by taking the Heart University Contracts course to learn the latest on AHA policy for contracts.

Contracts 2

Here is another poster in the series rifting off the "Angel on one should/Devil on the other" concept.

As you see here,  I was trying to keep a playful tone to what otherwise may seem to be a very boring topic for our target audience.

Contracts 3

The final design for the contracts theme.  Each designer produced these posters for the courses that we worked on,  and they would be displayed internally at the AHA.